Texas A&M University courses
- ATMO 202 Atmospheric Science Lab; Course Director/Instructor (7 sections, 151 students total)
- ATMO 321 Computer Applications in the Atmospheric Sciences; Teaching Assistant (1 section, 23 students total)
Mississippi State University courses
- GR 6842 Forecasting Severe Local Storms; Co-Instructor (1 section, ∼20 students, 5 lectures)
- GR 4303/6303 Principles of GIS; Teaching Assistant (2 sections, ∼45 students total)
- GR 1123 Introduction to World Geography; Teaching Assistant (4 sections, ∼400 students total)
- GR 4933/6933 Dynamic Meteorology II; Substitute Lecturer (2 sections, 3 lectures total)
- GR 4823/6823 Dynamic Meteorology I; Substitute Lecturer (1 sections, 1 lectures total)
- PH 1011 Physical Science Lab; Course Director/Instructor, Department of Physics (1 section, 18 students)
Additionally, I was laboratory coordinator for the Teacher Academy for the Natural Sciences for summers 2010–2012 at Mississippi State. The Academy instructed a group of 81 middle school teachers across chemistry, geoscience, and physics over three years.

I have been investigating the 3D patterns of divergence and vorticity in synoptic systems to aid in visualization in the classroom. I am in the early stages of a manuscript that links features commonly used to deduce vertical motion using quasi-geostrophic, two-dimensional analysis to equivalent features in three-dimensional analysis. Above is an example of what is possible with a 3D visualization package. Pictured are the jet stream, vorticity, and vertical motion simultaneously. Each of these fields is inherently three-dimensional, and so are excellent candidates for introduction to the classroom environment.
Research advisees
- Colin Baccioco, Juliana Surprenant, Mary Yap, Sofia Menemenlis; Yale University (principally advised by J. M. Lora)
- Lindsay Hogan; Yale University (principally advised by R. Smith)
- Carlee Loeser and Barrett Goudeau; Texas A&M University (principally advised by I. Szunyogh)